Teacher In-Service Days
These days occur approximately once per month during the school year. These days, our staff refresh their classrooms, rearranging and refreshing work choices, making everything seasonally appropriate, and refreshing interest in different work choices.

Parent Observation Week
During Observation Week, at scheduled times throught the day, we encourage parents to take advantage of the opportunity to see their child exploring the prepared Montessori environment of his/her classroon. We encourage parents to notice their child's concentration and involvement with the activities they select. This is an opportunity for parents to experience the atmosphere and nurturing your child receives every day at Children's House.

Holiday Celebrations
We have classroom celebrations for all major holiday and we encourage the families of students with other traditions to share their cultures within their classrooms. For Thanksgiving, classrooms invite one family member per student to join in with the celebration. For Valentine's Day, our students have a Sweetheart Social to share the special day with. We love celebrating holidays and special events with the special people in our lives.

School Breaks
The school has two week-long breaks per school year - a Winter Holiday Break as well as a Spring Break.