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Children's House provides 1st Grade Readiness options to meet your child's needs. The Children's House's full-day 1st Grade Readiness program is from 8:45 am to 3:00 pm.


During the morning session, the children are intermingled with 3, 4, and 5-year-olds in the classrooms. In the afternoon, kindergartners work closely with the Directresses to explore more advanced concepts with the Montessori materials and prepare for a First Grade class structure.

As these advanced materials are in all the classrooms, another option is a half-day morning session with 3's, 4's, and 5's. Either placement is valid for entry into First Grade.


Enrollment into the Kindergarten program is based on a child meeting the age requirements of their respective school district and a recommendation from their Directress.


Using Montessori learning materials, Kindergarten students learn the following skills:

Linear Counting
  • Recognize factors of ten

  • Recognize numerals 11 to 19 and count from 11 to 19 by units

  • Count by tens to ninety and by units to one hundred

  • Linear count the squares of the numbers from one to ten and record them on number rolls

  • Skip count the squares of the numbers from one to ten (that is, count by 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 6's, 7's, 8's, 9's, 10's) and record them on number rolls

  • Linear count the cubes of the numbers from one to ten and record them on number rolls

  • Skip count the cubes of the numbers from one to ten (that is, count by 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 6's, 7's, 8's, 9's, 10's) and record them on number rolls

  • Name the squares and cubes of the numbers one through ten

Other Skills


  • Read time on a clock, both regular and digital

  • Measure the physical properties of matter: length, weight, volume, temperature, and solve word problems involving these measurements and appropriate nomenclature


  • Identify units of currency (coins and bills), count money, and make change


  • Sensorial exploration of plane and solid geometric figures

  • Explore a variety of solid geometric shapes and plane figures.


Classified Nomenclature

  • Learn the nomenclature of a variety of plane and solid geometric figures

  • Learn the nomenclature and demonstrate line symmetry; bisection of a line segment; a line perpendicular to another line; a line parallel to another line; the difference between a line, segment, and ray

  •  Learn the nomenclature and how to measure the types of angles used to form plane and solid geometric figures

The concepts of the four Operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division

Use concrete materials to explore the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.



  • Begin with concrete materials, then move to abstraction to learn the addition facts to ten and then to twenty. The communicative properties of addition will also be understood.

  • Add three vertical numbers and then many numbers.

  • Add two, three and four-digit numerals (through 7 digit addends without regrouping)

  • Add two, three, and four through seven-digit addends with regrouping


  • Begin using concrete materials, moving to abstraction to learn the basic subtraction facts: relationships between the numbers one through eighteen.

  • Subtract two, three, and four through seven-digit numbers without regrouping.

  • Subtract two, three, and four through seven-digit numbers with regrouping

Addition and Subtraction

  • Missing Sign of the Operation Problems


  • Multiply two, three, and four seven-digit numbers by a one-digit number without regrouping.

  • Multiply two, three, and four seven-digit numbers by a one-digit number with regrouping.


  • Become familiar with the use of fractions in everyday life.

  • Develop fine motor control in preparation for handwriting

  • Master the ability to write both lower and upper case letters in the manuscript with appropriate spacing within a word and between words.

The Children's House of Bucks County

840 Trenton Road

Fairless Hills, PA 19030

(215) 943-3656

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